Mission Statement
Our mission is to train students (K -12th grade) in spiritual, academic, and physical development using a curriculum that integrates the wisdom of God and the truth of the Bible in every area of learning. We believe a Christian Education is one means of obediently fulfilling the mandate by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to make disciples of all the nations. (Mathew 28:18-20)
Philosophy of Education
We believe that God is the Creator and Designer; therefore His methods and philosophy of instruction and education are the correct and effective approach. We believe each child is an individual created by God with special talents and personality that He desires to use for His glory. JHCA focuses on the uniqueness of each child’s growth, rather than on their performance measured against a group of standard. We strive to help the child find his/her God-given talents and abilities and learn how to apply them in their service to God.
Read our full philosophy of education here.